Hoarding Woes: Teetering Stacks….Careful

Hoarding Woes Danger alert. As we removed each row upon row of stacked boxes, a couple things became evident: sometimes while up on the ladder, the boxes up high were awkwardly heavy to hand down. Also, if you turned your back, the entire stack would topple over. 

In the foreground are boxes that toppled over as I stood nearby not noticing the tilt. The next row also came crashing over. Some of the boxes weigh a goodly amount, full of glass ware, etc. The wardrobe boxes stacked against the back wall each were full of clothing and shoes. Each one weighed at least a hundred pounds. Not too heavy to lift or drag but dangerous if they tilted and all that stuff above came tumbling down. That wrought iron candle gizmo was on top of the boxes and is a jagged maimer that was setting atop the boxes.

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