Hoarding Woes: Measure Twice, Cut Once

As you no doubt sense, hoarding comes in many faces. The overwhelming hoards are one thing, but the ‘lesser’ hoards exists for many as well (tools, lumber, sewing/fabric/quilting, scrapbooking, crafts, fishing, books/magazines, mail, clothing).

My very kind father-in-law has a thing for storage/garden sheds and lumber. My Dad had a similar penchant for lumber, wiring, pipe, nuts and bolts. One never knows when you would need these items to repair, build, patch.

Tape Measures
But one drawer of tape measures and chalk lines in my father-in-law’s shop. He has organized chaos in his shop. My Dad’s shop/sheds were that way as well amidst the disorganized chaos of my Mom’s hoard.

Small hoards or small hoards amidst big hoards, each can have its on makeup or psychology. 


2 thoughts on “Hoarding Woes: Measure Twice, Cut Once

  1. buckytoo

    I’m sure we have a handful of tape measures in our home too, but I never seem to find one when I need it! That is no longer a problem because now I know where Dad’s collection is!

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